An Ode to Orangetheory

Orangetheory was part of my weekly routine for over five years. That’s 1,000+ hours spent getting stronger while sweating next to fellow OTFers. I recently (sadly) canceled my membership due to COVID-19, but wanted to share why I believe it is such an amazing workout. Let’s first back up to why I became a member in the first place. 

Orangetheory was alllll over my Facebook ads in college, so one day I decided to make a move and sign up for the free class. I asked my boyfriend to go with me because I didn’t have the balls to turn down the membership I knew they were going to sell me. We honestly wanted to take advantage of the freebie so we could mimic it on our own in the gym. Ed and I committed to a Saturday morning class, arrived early, filled out the paperwork, met the instructor, and strapped on our heart rate monitors. (Side note: if you’re trying out any fitness class for the first time, please show up early—after working at a few fitness studios, I can attest by saying this is extremely important for the front desk, the instructor, and most importantly for yourself.) 

Our trainer walked us into the studio giving us the 411 on the workout we were about to endure. I vividly remember those sixty sweaty minutes—it was a run/row style template and challenged me in a completely new way. After the cool down, our trainer educated us on the whole splat point system and I looked up at the screen to see 11 points next to my name. If you’re an OTFer you know that you need a minimum of 12 points to get the afterburn effect. I was one, ONE, splat point away and could feel my inner-competitiveness burning. Ed and I walked out of the studio and I gave him that “here we go” look and he turned to me (sweaty face and all) and said “I’m signing up!!” He was hooked and so was I.

Since we were on that college-student-budget, we committed to the Basic membership. (bet ya didn’t even know they offered that) For $59 a month, we got to take 4 OTF classes. It quickly became our Saturday morning routine and we both looked forward to seeing what kind of workout we were going to challenge ourselves to that day. I loved it so much I even applied for a job and worked the front desk for a few months in college. Once I graduated and moved to San Diego, I upgraded my membership to Unlimited and began going about 4-5 times per week. (S/O to Orangetheory Solana Beach!)

I truly believe Orangetheory is the best place to go if you are new to fitness or looking to lose weight (and obvi if you’re already into fitness!). In the hundreds of OTF classes I’ve taken, there has been a healthy balance of fitness aficionados and those looking to transform their bodies/lives. The coaches give modifications to each exercise and if running isn’t your thang, it’s totally fine because you can power walk (on an incline) and still get amazing results. The balance of members brings a sense of community and motivation knowing you’re not the only beginner in class. The coaches inspire you to work hard and also give tips on how to improve your form, making it suitable for all fitness levels.

Throughout my years at OTF, I’ve noticed improvement in my strength, endurance, and muscle mass. When I moved to Austin at the end of December, I quickly found a new studio but COVID hit shortly after, and I am no longer attending Orangetheory. I think it was also time for me to switch up my workout routine and challenge myself in a new way. However, I still wear my heart rate monitor when I work out at home or in the gym so I can see my results and track my progress. (another benefit of OTF!) Sometime in the future I’m sure I’ll find myself back at OTF, but for now, I’ve been loving trying out new workouts!

And if you have ANY questions about Orangetheory or fitness in general, please reach out via DM or email! I want this platform to be an open space where we can get to know each other and chat about all things health. :)


Workouts I Love: Health House


My Fitness Journey