Happy New Year!

2021…wow. I was telling someone the other day how 2020 was basically groundhog day yet this year FLEW by. Why is that?! This year was life changing to say the least, and as sad as this year has been, I don’t like to dwell on the negative, so I’m going to keep this post positive and lighthearted, because I think we all need it!

I'm mostly writing this post for myself, so I can look back on it come December and see how far I’ve come. But I also wanted to share my words with you because maybe you will walk away from this post inspired and confident that you too can crush your own 2021 goals!

My 2021 goals & intentions:

Read more

My mom always says “readers are leaders” and I believe this is true. I have a stack of books in my apartment that are calling my name this year. Anyone down for a book club?!

Work harder

This is something I really want to achieve. I admire people who have great work ethics because to be honest mine could be a lot better. Growing up, I was always an A/B student in school, but if I really studied/applied myself more I could have been a straight A student. This is something that has carried into my adult years and this is going to be the year I change that. The year I apply myself more and work harder in my career, in fine with food, and in my relationships.

Eat more burgers (bun on)

We all know I love food and we all know I have a pretty healthy diet. I absolutely love the food I cook/eat, but sometimes ya just need a damn cheeseburger. And I don’t mean a cheeseburger with a lettuce bun to make it “gluten free” or “healthier.” I’m talking real cheeseburger (w/ a side of fries, please). So here’s to more buns, more ice cream, more pizza, and more cookies in 2021! (recipes to come!!)

Save money

I’m a taurus, which means I like nice things. But I really need to learn to live within my means (something my dad always says). This year especially has been a wake up call for finances, so I reallyyyy need to work on saving money. I’ll be doing this by 1.) not buying things I can live without and 2.) putting money away into my savings account.

Do more low impact workouts

I’m including this one for two reasons. 1.) I always feel amazing after completing a low impact workout whether that be barre, yoga, or pilates and 2). because I know it is better for my back. Burpees and arthritis don’t always mix well. So here’s to more barre and yoga, more breathing, slower movements, and less stress on my body!

Take more rest days

I love fitness, but I do need to give my muscles a break sometimes to heal. And sometimes you just need those lazy days on the couch. And hey, maybe those lazy days will allow me to read more! :)

Rid myself of back pain

This is a big one for me. If you don’t already know, I have something called ankylosing spondylitis and it causes a lot of back pain for me. I really want to rid myself of pain through diet, stretching, and taking care of my body.

Develop new recipes

This is for you guys and for Fine with Food! Being at my dad’s house for the holidays has kinda got me out of the kitchen, and it’s time to get back in there and cook delicious meals so I can share them with you all!

Be present

My screen time over the holidays was down 80% and it felt soooo good to not be constantly on my phone. So this year I really want to be more present, which is something I think we can all do too.

There ya have it! My 2021 goals and intentions. Cheers to a year full of good health, wealth, and cheeseburgers. HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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