Why I Choose to Partake In #DryJanuary

Oh dry January…the two words that make all the wine-lovers roll their eyes. We all know I love a spritz. And the holidays (Thanksgiving-NYE) for me are usually filled to the brim (literally) with spritz and wine. The last 6 weeks of every year are my all-time favorite because of the energy, the food, the family time, the holiday cheer, and the partying. I believe I do a really good job at eating well and one thing I definitely don’t deprive myself of is wine. (I should also preface that I don’t go balls to the walls here when it comes to drinking, I loathe taking shots and mostly avoid hard alcohol, so we’re only talking a couple of spritz here, I’m not gettin’ crunk every night lol).

Normally, Ed and I only drink on the weekends. This is because it keeps my mind clear during the week, keeps my autoimmune inflammation down, helps me sleep better, and also gives us something fun to look forward to on the weekends! But during the holidays the vino is flowing and my body honestly just doesn’t respond well to all that partying, hence why I partake in dry January!

This was my 3rd year participating in dry Jan so I’m going to break down a few reasons why I enjoy being alcohol-free and why I personally choose to do it every year!

Helps with Anxiety

For some reason every single year I get really bad anxiety around January 1st and during the week of my birthday (in May). Maybe it’s because they are β€œnew beginnings” and make me really look inward at life, but boy my anxiety is through the roof during those times. And one thing that makes my anxiety worse: alcohol. So not drinking in January allows me to remain calmer, more relaxed, and wayyyy less anxious!

Helps with Sleep


I’m (luckily) not someone who suffers from sleep issues. Normally I go to bed and wake up at the same time every day (something the pros say you should be doing!), but during the holidays, nights can be a little longer and cause me to lose sleep. I’m also someone who does not function well without sleep and when I don’t log enough hours hittin’ the hay, I get really anxious, stressed, and bloated…who wants to feel like that?! The experts also say that when you drink alcohol you might think you got a good night's sleep, but in reality, you aren’t hitting the REM sleep everyone needs. Sleep is also VERY crucial for your health, so it’s nice to start a new year sans alcohol to allow myself to not only feel more rested but actually be more rested. Jennifer Wider, M.D. says β€œexcessive drinking impairs your sleeping patterns and increases the risk for certain diseases, including breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, and liver problems.” No bueΓ±o.

Helps with Bloating

As I’ve mentioned, I suffer from an autoimmune disease and like any autoimmune disease, it affects different parts of my body other than my back. Sometimes my digestion gets out of whack and I get really bloated. I’ve done a pretty good job at learning my big triggers for this: gluten, soy, dairy, corn, peanuts, and sadly, alcohol (only sometimes, I usually do okay with super dry wines or my Naperol Spritz). What I’ve learned is that my body lovesss to hold onto inflammation and alcohol is inflammatory, so cutting it out of my life for a month not only helps with manage my back pain but also helps with my digestion!

I Feel More Energized

This one is major. Alcohol slows you down, literally and physically, so when I cut it out, I notice my energy levels are WAY higher. I notice myself waking up early and energized and feeling really good during my workouts! I mean think about it, being alcohol-free means my liver doens’t have to work extra hard to detox the poison, so my body naturally has more energy. And feeling low-energy is never fun, so it’s nice to have an extra pep in my step in January!

Saves Money

Dry Jan is not only good for your health, but it’s also good for your wallet too. Alcohol ain’t cheap. If Ed and I go out to eat and each order 2 drinks, it’s easily $40!! So it’s nice to take a break from it to help your liver and your bank account!

No Hangovers

This one is major. I probably only get like 4 actual hangovers a year. Normally a drink or two isn’t going to give me a raging headache the next day (yes, I know I’m saying this as a naive 25 year old lol) but even when I do drink I wake up the next day with a little pit knowing I’m not my 100% self. And honestly, hangovers are the worst. So knowing I won’t have any during the entire month of January makes me feel superb.

And there you have it! My β€œwhy” behind dry January. I don’t diet. I follow a healthy lifestyle daily because it not only makes me feel good, but it’s also sustainable, delicious, and fuels me! So dry January is by no means a way to β€œslim down”, it’s my way of entering a new year with a clear head and lots of energy! :)

Okay, I’m off to go pour myself a spritz. Cheers!


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Happy New Year!