My Morning Routine

Growing up, I was always on a schedule. Go to school, get my homework done, go to dance, eat dinner as a family, go to bed at a certain time, etc. My sister and I (and even my dog) were like little angels, really easy going, not stressful, and very self-sufficient, which my mom says is because we were on a schedule. And since I’m also a taurus, I love a routine. 6/7 days of the week (I like to be a chill-girl on Sundays) I pretty much do the exact same thing every morning. 

I enjoy listening to podcasts/interviews of profitable women and men and have noticed a big common denominator between numerous successful individuals: a morning routine. I’m not saying you need to wake up at 5am, run a marathon, take an ice bath, make your celery juice and meditate in your garden...but I am saying that developing your own form of a morning routine is a wonderful way to set your intentions for the day! 

Lemme break mine down for you so you can get a glimpse into my daily AM life...

  1. Wake up and make bed.

    I’ve been making my bed every day since I was a little girl. I actually physically can’t wrap my head around the fact that there are people out there who don’t make their you just get into a jumble of sheets at night?!! Anywho, this one little step makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something first thing. And come nighttime, I know that I have a perfectly made bed waiting to welcome me!

  2. Brush teeth and apply serums.

    Natural products are becoming a must for me lately. It’s crazy how the everyday products we use can be loaded with chemicals, which can negatively affect your body, so I’m really trying to embrace everything au-natural, starting with my oral hygiene. I’ve been using Oral Essential Whitening Toothpaste for a few months and can honestly say my teeth have gotten whiter! Their products are made without any harsh chemicals, which is so critical because we’re putting these things into our mouths!

    Once I’m done brushing my teeth, I apply Glossier Super Glow and Supergoop Sunscreen to my face. Since I was 12 years old my mom’s been telling (forcing) me to apply SPF to my face every day and I am SO grateful for that because I’ve been wearing sunscreen daily for 13 years now! Now that I’m 25, I’ve been really paying attention to my skincare routine because I want to keep this skin lookin’ young for as long as possible.

  3. Make coffee, ice roll face, & journal

    I know, I know, they say you shouldn’t drink black coffee on an empty stomach, but it brings me joy in the morning so I’m not stopping. I’m usually a hot coffee kinda gal, but since it’s like seven million degrees in Austin, I made the switch to iced coffee and add in a few drops of Sweet Leaf. I bring my coffee over to our little kitchen table, ice roll the serums into my face, and write in my Five Minute Journal to set my intentions for the day. I highly recommend investing in the Five Minute Journal! Taking five minutes every morning to simply sit with yourself and write out the things you are grateful for and what you’d like to accomplish during the day is so refreshing. Since journaling, I’ve found myself appreciating the little things in life a lot more. It’s also fun to go back and read your past journal entries! I consider this the spiritual part of my day. :)

  4. Workout

    After journaling and ice rolling, I usually open my laptop to check emails while also finishing my coffee. Then it’s time for my favorite part of the day: moving my body! I have a lot of energy in the morning so I workout on an empty stomach because that’s what works for me! Lately, my workouts have been ranging from Health House to Sweat Sessions to running/walking along Lady Bird Lake. Yeah, working out can be challenging, but isn’t that the point?! There is something so extremely empowering to look in the mirror while working out and say to yourself β€œI’m doing this, I’m so strong, and I’m getting even stronger!” And if you’re hating life while working out then you haven’t found the right workout for you!! I absolutely love playing my music super loud and being sweaty AF because that’s when I truly feel my best.

    Pro tip: if you’re in the middle of a workout, take a second and just smile…I promise you will feel 10x better.


Now that I’ve done something mental and physical for my body, I take a shower, and either make my Go-To Green Smoothie or Walnut Butter Toast. Then I open my laptop and begin working!

I’d love to know what your morning routine looks like!! Comment below :)


FWF Must-Haves: Kitchen


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