Homemade Walnut Butter

As someone who has an anti-inflammatory disease, I try to avoid inflammatory foods as much as possible (i.e. soy, gluten, dairy, corn, and peanuts). Sadly, this means staying away from peanut butter. I love all types of nuts, and a few years ago I became a die-hard almond butter lover. Since I also avoid dairy, I became a die-hard almond milk lover too. Basically I was eating a lot of almonds and noticed it was really starting to upset my stomach. 

While reading The Plant Paradox, I learned that almonds contain lectins (lectins are a type of protein found in plants that can be hard for our bodies to digest), so I decided to be my own guinea pig and omit them from my diet for a few weeks to see if I noticed a difference in my digestion/gut/bloating. Walnuts, however, do not contain lectins and have a TON of health benefits, so I had the brilliant idea to whip up homemade walnut butter by grinding walnuts in the Vitamix. After a few attempts I think I’ve nailed down the perfect homemade walnut butter recipe! This homemade walnut butter is a great addition to my Go-To Green Smoothie, Walnut Butter Toast, or simply eating with fruit! 

If you don’t own a Vitamix, no worries! This recipe works in a food processor as well.


Homemade Walnut Butter (yields 1 jar)


  • 1 bag organic walnuts

  • 2 tbsp. maple syrup (optional)

  • 1 tsp. cinnamon (optional)

  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. preheat oven to 350Β°f and place walnuts on a baking sheet. roast walnuts for 8 minutes then transfer roasted walnuts to a Vitamix or food processor

  2. blend/grind the walnuts for about 8 minutes. once walnuts are creamy, and add in salt and maple syrup + cinnamon then blend for another minute

  3. transfer to a mason jar & enjoy!


  • 8 minutes is going to feel like a long time to be blending but this is critical to get that creamy consistency. I also like to stop the blender and use a baking spatula to scrape down the edges

  • if you want your walnut butter to keep that creamy consistency then I suggest storing it in your pantry, but if you want more of a firm nut butter then I suggest storing in your refrigerator :)

I wanna know…how would YOU use walnut butter?! Comment below!

make sure to tag @finewithfood when making any of my recipes!!


Paleo Pumpkin Pancakes


Go-To Green Smoothie