Why I Love Working Out

If you know me personally or follow me on Insta, you know that I’m very active. And to be honest, I’ve always loved being active.

I was a dancer and cheerleader growing up. I spent my winters sledding, skiing, and running around in the snow. And I spent my summers playing on a community softball league, jumping on the trampoline, riding my bike around the neighborhood, hiking in the Metroparks, and playing badminton in my backyard (I’m really good btw). Basically, I was a very active child. My parents never forced me to be a dancer, or a cheerleader, or play softball—I did all those things because I truly loved doing them.

I think working out is one of those things that people really seem to dread—it’s physically challenging, it takes time, and it can cost a lot of money. And if you’re one of those people who dread it, I’m here to tell ya that you just haven’t yet found the right workout for YOU!!

Movement makes me happy. Don’t you remember the days when you’d be playing tag as a kid you’d just be running around the yard laughing hysterically for no reason? Pure bliss. It’s because working out gives you endorphins. And endorphins make you happy. :)


When I went to college, I gained weight. I was by no means overweight, but between graduating high school and my first semester at ASU, I gained thirty pounds. And putting on 30 lbs. meant my body changed. And my body changed because I was partying, eating a lot of pizza, and putting my health on the back burner. To be honest, I wouldn’t change a thing about that first semester…college is meant to be a learning experience and I had a lot of fun, and who cares if my body changed a little?

When I went back to school after that first winter break, I was ready to make a positive change in my routine. This meant actually utilizing the gym that ASU offered (which is literally the greatest gym ever and I really miss having access to it lol), cleaning up my eating habits, and nixing that post-party pizza. I grew up eating pretty healthy because my parents cooked delicious, fresh meals. So when I went to college and got to choose what I ate, I went all out. But just because your mom can’t see you eating that pizza at 1 am after a frat party, doesn’t mean your body isn’t affected by it.

After implementing small healthy choices into my routine, I noticed a huge change in my mood and in my body. I lost the freshman-15 (30 lol), and was feeling like myself again! I never did anything drastic to lose weight. I’m not the type of girl who’s going to “not eat” the week before a vacation, or partake in a juice cleanse because life’s too short to live like that. If you want to know the secret on how I got back into shape I’ll tell you….

I worked out and ate healthy.

Yep. That’s it. It’s really that simple.

I stopped eating like crap and added more vegetables and protein into my diet. I moved my body more and made healthy choices. I didn’t obsess over losing ten pounds or looking a certain way for spring break. I focused on the good things that I could do for my body and the rest followed.

But after receiving those “wow you look great!” and “woah, how’d you get in shape?!” comments, my exercise routine became obsessive, and I started to pick apart my flaws instead of loving my body for all it can do. Going to ASU was kind of intimidating for me—it’s filled with blonde bombshells who seemed light years ahead of my midwest-self in terms of fashion and fitness, and it led me to feel the need to be perfect to be accepted. But the older I get, the more I realize that NO ONE CARES. We all have insecurities, but no one notices your insecurities except yourself.

I actually want you to stop reading this post right now and say 3 things you love about yourself.

Okay let’s continue :)

The past year, especially, I’ve developed a much healthier relationship with exercise. Once COVID hit and we were forced to quarantine it caused a real shift on how I view working out. A very positive shift.

I canceled my OTF membership and began doing at-home workouts like Health House and Aubre Winter’s Sweat Sessions. And even tried out a few YouTube workouts (they’re free!). And now I’m moving my body because the workouts I do are fun and enjoyable! They aren’t easy, but I’m exercising my body in a different way and noticing that I’m getting stronger because I want to, not because I have to. I now notice myself grabbing heavier weights when I do Health House, and I notice myself genuinely smiling and having fun when I do Aubre’s dance cardio classes. And I now look in the mirror and point out all the positive things about my body.

I’m doing workouts that make me feel strong, alive, free, and proud of all that my body can do. And it’s done wonders for myself mentally and physically. I’m 25 years old for crying out loud, I should be soaking up these years and appreciating my body! (and I do!!)

I get it…working out can seem like a chore, but it doesn’t have to and it shouldn’t!! If you hate running, don’t run! If you hate boxing, don’t take a boxing class! Do what makes you feel good and allows you to feel happy. If that means turning on some Beyonce and dancing in your living room then DO THAT! If that means doing yoga instead of a HIIT workout then DO THAT! I promise you, when you start to do what you actually enjoy doing, you’ll appreciate movement a lot more.


A Must-Try Workout Platform


Workouts I Love: Health House